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Winter Citrus Salad

I’ve never been a huge winter fan. The cold, the dark, I’m just not about it. However, citrus is truly my favorite part about the winter. It is in its peak season and brings some much needed color and flavor to a cold and dark 

Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing

There’s not much to this post because honestly, these cinnamon rolls speak for themselves. These cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing are a hit any time of year but especially on Christmas morning. So just a few tips and then we will get right to 

Easy Veggie Ramen

Hello again & welcome back !! I took a lil hiatus for a couple weeks – we have had some BIG things going on around here. Work, family, and I got engaged a month ago so things have been quite hectic as you can imagine. 

Cranberry and Brie Leftover Sandwich

The best part about Thanksgiving second to the cornbread dressing?? The leftovers. Who says that all the good food has to end on Thursday ?! (not me). Enjoy the best of Thanksgiving all weekend long with this tantalizing leftover sandwich. This cranberry and brie leftover 

Classic Cornbread Dressing

dressing or stuffing ?? Whatever way you say it, I think we can all agree this is the best part of thanksgiving. If you don’t agree, you haven’t had my grandmother’s classic cornbread dressing (thanks duck!! we call her duck- story for another day).  Anyway, 

Cranberry Apple Sweet Potato Bake

A welcomed upgrade to the gelatin cranberry in a can. If you love the gelatinous cranberry – no shame, but give this recipe a try and you have may have a change of heart. This cranberry, apple, sweet potato bake makes for the best thanksgiving side 

Quick and Easy Rosemary Beer Bread Muffins

and that’s a promise. These quick and easy rosemary beer bread muffins live up to their name. The most simple of preps and then they’re in the oven. Beer bread is truly the most underrated of quick breads imo (mom and dad- imo means ‘in 

Spiked and Spiced Mulled Apple Cider

Something warming and delicious, but make it festive. This spiked and spiced mulled apple cider fits the bill to a T. As the weather is getting colder I’m always looking for something to warm me up because we all know coffee can only go so 

Butternut Squash and Sage Ravioli

I typically make every attempt to mainline simplicity when it comes to meals. I challenge myself to find create the simplest recipes with maximum pay out. However, occasionally I love a more complex recipe (read: enjoying the fruits of my labor, in ravioli form) and 

Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal

Baked oatmeal. AKA the easiest thing to whip together for a delicious and sustaining breakfast for the whole week. I love a quick breakfast and this is that and so much more. Everything about this recipe makes me so excited to wake up. The texture